Everyone has an opportunity to find their people at FPCD
Youth and Teens
Friendly Feasts
Presbyterian Women
Volunteer Opportunities
Learning and Growth Opportunities:
Sunday School for Preschool Friends (3- 5-year-olds)
We're excited to offer Frolic Preschool for children ages 3-5. This play-based Sunday school program includes Bible stories, prayers, music and more. Meet the Frolic characters who help kids explore feelings and navigate developmental milestones - Ava the lamb, Hal the hedgehog, Jo the goat, Rugus the dog and Uri the dove. Learn more by joining us for Frolic Sunday Morning Preschool.
We're thrilled to continue Whirl Sunday School, an exciting adventure for Kindergarten through 5th graders! We'll explore a new Bible story alongside the lively Whirl kids and their fun-filled adventures each week. Parents, we've got something special for you, too! Every week, you'll receive a Family Square, packed with fun ways to explore the Bible story together at home. Prepare for a journey through the Old and New Testaments with Whirl Sunday School! Kids will love learning new Bible stories through interactive activities, catchy music, and the engaging tales of the Whirl kids. Plus, each story ties in perfectly with our weekly church lessons. We can't wait to see you there!
Special Lenten Sunday School for Elementary Students
This Lent, our Sunday School program offers a special series for kindergarten through 5th grade,
focusing on the heart of the Christian story — Jesus’ journey to the cross and His resurrection.
Over four weeks, children will explore:
• Jesus Entering Jerusalem
• Jesus in the Temple • Jesus’ Last Supper • Jesus’ Crucifixion and Resurrection
Each unit is designed to meet children where they are, helping them understand these
foundational moments of our faith in a way that speaks to their hearts and minds.
These lessons not only will teach core truths of Christianity but also will nurture their
spiritual growth in a meaningful way. As parents, this is an important faith-forming
moment — a chance to ensure your children experience and engage with the Passion
story in a way that will stay with them for years to come. We encourage all families to
prioritize attendance so their children can participate fully in this special Lenten journey.
Note: We will have a different program during Spring Break, so don’t miss these four essential lessons!
Youth Group
CREW (6th - 7th Grade) and Senior High (8th - 12th Grade)
Sunday Mornings @ 8:50 a.m. with Discussion @ 9:00 a.m. in John Calvin Hall
Join Us for a “Visual Faith” Experience Following Jesus — A Sunday Morning Spiritual Journey
begins September 8. On Sunday mornings, adults are invited to participate in our
intergenerational Bible study "Visual Faith" with junior and senior high school students and parents. Visual Faith uses multiple everyday images of our world (and some imaginative
ones) to help us consider how God is present in our world. In doing so, we will quickly realize that God is at work for each of us.
In the Friday eBlast, you can preview our Sunday topics and reflect on how the week’s scripture speaks to you. Then,
on Sunday, we’ll gather in small groups for an interactive, participatory learning experience that mirrors how Jesus engaged
with people in the Bible. This gathering aims to deepen your faith and strengthen connections within your church family —
youth, parents, grandparents, and all siblings in Christ.
This program fosters meaningful connections between youth and adults as we explore and practice a Jesus-centered life.
Join us at 8:50 a.m. for donuts, juice, and coffee, and stay for the 25-minute gathering at 9:00 a.m. in the John Calvin Hall.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Sunday Morning Chat: God’s People Together (GPT) —
A Lenten Journey of Redemption & Forgiveness @ 8:50 a.m. with Discussion @ 9:00 a.m. in John Calvin Hall
This Lent, our Sunday Morning Chat: GPT series will take us on a powerful journey through the
themes of redemption and forgiveness. Each Sunday, we will explore scripture and thought-provoking
images that challenge us to reflect deeply on Jesus’ life, His sacrifice, and our response to His love.
Join us each Sunday from 9:00 a.m. - 9:25 a.m. in John Calvin Hall as we engage in
meaningful discussions centered around these weekly themes:
March 9: Mocked and Insulted (Luke 22:63-65)
March 16: Dressing Up (Colossians 3:12-14)
March 23: Forgive and Be Forgiven (Matthew 6:14-15)
March 30: First: Reconciliation (Matthew 5:23-24)
April 6: Confession (1 John 1:9)
April 13: Living in Peace (Luke 7:36-50)
April 20: No Class – Easter
This series will be a time of reflection, growth, and renewal, as we embrace the message of
grace and mercy that Jesus offers. Come and be part of this transformative Lenten journey!
CHAT: God's People Together (GPT)
Sunday Mornings @ 8:50 a.m. with Discussion @ 9:00 a.m. in John Calvin Hall
Join Us for a “Visual Faith” Experience Following Jesus — A Sunday Morning Spiritual Journey
begins September 8. On Sunday mornings, adults are invited to participate in our
intergenerational Bible study "Visual Faith" with junior and senior high school students and parents. Visual Faith uses multiple everyday images of our world (and some imaginative
ones) to help us consider how God is present in our world. In doing so, we will quickly realize that God is at work for each of us.
In the Friday eBlast, you can preview our Sunday topics and reflect on how the week’s scripture speaks to you. Then,
on Sunday, we’ll gather in small groups for an interactive, participatory learning experience that mirrors how Jesus engaged
with people in the Bible. This gathering aims to deepen your faith and strengthen connections within your church family —
youth, parents, grandparents, and all siblings in Christ.
This program fosters meaningful connections between youth and adults as we explore and practice a Jesus-centered life.
Join us at 8:50 a.m. for donuts, juice, and coffee, and stay for the 25-minute gathering at 9:00 a.m. in the John Calvin Hall.
We look forward to seeing you there!
ADULT FORUM: Spiritual Sustenance from Poetry
Sunday Mornings, January 12, 19 & 26 @ 8:30 a.m. in the Heritage Chapel
You’ve heard the familiar saying, “When the going
gets tough, the tough read poetry.” What? Is that
how the saying actually goes? Join us in January
for three weeks of meditative practice to help us
not only survive, but also thrive this winter as we
collaboratively study diverse poets and their work.
This class includes homework, so be prepared to
participate actively. Those who hate poetry are
especially invited to attend. (Of course, those who
love it are also especially invited, as are those who
never really think about poetry at all). The class
will be facilitated by a word-loving middle school
teacher and FPCD member Jessica Perry, so come ready to have some fun and try
new things. Please join us for this poetry feast!
ADULT FORUM: Openings to Sabbath Rest
Sunday Mornings, February 2, 9, 16 & 23 @ 8:30 a.m. in the Heritage Chapel
“The beauty of grace is it makes life not fair.” (r.k.)
What is Sabbath? How do we celebrate it and for whom is it? In these sessions, we will explore
Sabbath and rest in the Bible, as well as how it’s
been interpreted in Christianity and Judaism for
humans and other parts of the living world. Taught by Dr. Brooke Lester and the rev. dr. abby mohaupt.
Disciples Bible Study
Thursday Mornings, February 20 - March 20, April 3, 10, 24 & May 1 @ 9:30 a.m. in the Disciples Room
"Leap Over a Wall: Earthy Spirituality for Everyday Christians"
Open your Bible to I Samuel and begin to discover a whole life lived before God. Learn about being human in the very human life of David — shepherd, king, poet, adulterer, murderer, child of God. All the while we will learn about ourselves and the God who loves us, grounded in scripture and Eugene Peterson's book. Find your own copy in the Friendly Office and bring yourself for rich conversation and friendship!
ADULT FORUM: This is My Story...
Sunday Morning, March 2 @ 8:30 a.m. in the Heritage Chapel
Mark Nagy, a faithful member with an
easy smile, will share an amazing story of
how God called upon he and his beloved
wife Lois to make a difference for Christ’s
sake in a faraway country with needs —
Uganda. It’s an inspiring story, a remarkable
call and answer. Come and hear about
what God’s call, answered, can do.
ADULT FORUM: Praying The Lord's Prayer
Sunday Mornings, March 9, 16, 23, 30, April 6 & 13 @ 8:30 a.m. in the Heritage Chapel
Just about every Sunday, in corporate worship, we
join our voices and hearts to pray what we call “The
Lord’s Prayer.” While the simple recitation of Jesus’
words is right and valuable, Jesus’ intention was also
to teach us a method of praying. In a six-week series,
we will study the method behind the words of the
prayer, with the goal of broadening and deepening
both our individual and corporate prayer-lives.
The Rev. David Bianchin, the instructor of this class,
writes about himself: “I’m a retired Presbyterian
Minister, living in the south suburbs with my wife, Julie,
with our three kids and three grandkids nearby. In
my spare time I like to travel, read, exercise, and
continue my 45-year love of building acoustic guitars.”