All female members of FPCD automatically belong to Presbyterian Women, which is dedicated to fostering faith and friendships among its members. Activities include small group monthly gatherings in "Circles" for Bible study and fellowship, periodic social and/or educational programs and various mission projects. Through its mission activities and fundraising, PW supports youth groups within FPCD as well as numerous organizations in Lake County that provide help to women and families in need.
PW volunteers also oversee ordering and placement of fresh flowers that decorate the sanctuary each week and special holiday displays. Many times flowers are sponsored by church members in honor or memory of a loved one. PW also provides "Our Daily Bread" daily devotionals which are available free of charge and can be found throughout the church building.
Within the context of FPCD at large, PW provides an opportunity for its members to share Christian faith, fellowship and service to the community in welcoming, comfortable small group settings.
Our Prayer
God, who makes the journey possible, thank you for accompanying us, through the people and influences of our lives, all along the way. Send us now to do the same for others. - Amen
Our Purpose
Presbyterian Women (PW) commit themselves: "To Nurture our faith through prayer and Bible study, to support the mission of the church worldwide, to work for justice and peace, and to build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (USA) and witness to the promise of God's Kingdom".
Through fellowship, interesting and meaningful programming for all church women, mission outreach and Bible study, women of the church come together in friendship service, and Christian love.
Monthly Gatherings
All are welcome at Circle meetings and Bible studies
PW's three Circles will hold their first meetings the first week of September, offering three different time slots to accommodate various schedules. Our Bible study this year is entitled "Love Carved in Stone" — A fresh look at the Ten Commandments. Each lesson includes an exploration of a commandment in its biblical context, a look at how Jesus lived out that command and how that commandment has meaning for our own lives and contexts. Study guides are available from Circle leaders.
Rebecca Circle meets on the first Tuesday morning of every month at 9:30 a.m. in various members' homes, starting in September.
Mary Martha/Priscilla Circle meets on the first Wednesday evening of the month, starting in September. The group meets at 7:30 p.m. in the Mary Martha Lounge. Many members also gather at 6:30 p.m. at Panera Bread (190 Waukegan Rd., DFLD.) for a casual dinner together.
Miriam/Rachel Circle meets on the first Thursday morning of the month at 11:30 a.m. in the Mary Martha Lounge, starting in September.
New members are welcome to join any of these circles at any time during the year. If anyone would like to form another group at a different time, using the Presbyterian Women's study guide, we will be happy to help facilitate it.
For information about joining a PW Circle please contact Mary Getz at
Our Mission
Presbyterian Women are involved with worthwhile projects within our own Church as well as projects within our community through the support of local, national and international missions. Some receive our help through the contribution of time, food or clothing. Others receive financial contributions with money from our fundraising projects. We hope you will join us in support of the missions listed on the sidebar, either individually or through our collections so that we may help carry on Christ's work.
PW conducts an annual pledge effort to fun various local groups, many of them with a specific focus on helping women and children. A voluntary pledge to Presbyterian Women provides ongoing funding and volunteer work for projects, some of which are listed below.
A Safe Place
Night Ministry
Nuestro Center
Casa Central
ReDo shop
Junior/Senior High Mission Trips
Going Forward
PW invites you to join, share, invest, discover and celebrate with them as they go about doing God's good work. Some ways to do so are by joining other Presbyterian women in continuing their heritage of participation in global missions. Share your gifts, thereby enriching your own spiritual life. Invest your own unique talents and time to provide leadership for meaningful action. Discover and develop new skills and celebrate with others the good news lived out in community.
Spring Programming
'Meet' Environmental Pioneer Rachel Carson
Thursday, February 13 @ 7:00 p.m. in John Calvin Hall
In this evening program, Leslie Goddard will give a costumed portrayal of groundbreaking biologist
Rachel Carson. Goddard is well known for bringing
to life various historical figures, presenting information in an interesting and entertaining fashion. Carson is
considered among the first environmentalists. She wrote several books about the sea, including the best-selling and prophetic Silent Spring, published in 1962, focusing on the dangers of water pollution. While this brought her worldwide acclaim, it also brought lawsuits from the chemical industry.
All members and guests are invited to learn more about this fascinating marine biologist. Dessert will be served. Sign up in the Friendly Office by February 10. Cost is $15 per person.
Sharing Our Faith with Our Children:
Saturday, March 15 @ 8:30 a.m. - Noon in John Calvin Hall
Traci Smith, an ordained minister,
mother of three and author of
several books, including Faithful
Families and Prayers for Faithful
Families, will return to FPCD for a
half-day program, “Generation
to Generation: Passing on What
Matters to our Children and
Grandchildren.” Her discussion
will cover the importance of
family tradition, spiritual practice
and ritual. She will examine the
traditions we have in our families
and churches, looking at how
we ca share them with one
another and create deep
spiritual meaning in our lives
through simple practices like
gratitude and holy storytelling.
Rev. Smith is the Program Director
of Family Faith Every Day, an
extension of Chalice Media’s
mission to create a world in which families can grow in their love through daily faith practices across
generations. Her personal and professional mission is
guided by a simple statement that can be found on page
one of Faithful Families: “Faith is learned when it is woven
seamlessly through the fabric of everyday life.” She is also a keynote speaker, coach, workshop facilitator and writer, and her area of expertise is faith-at-home.
This program is designed for all ages, even young girls and teens. There will be time for group activities and interaction, with continental breakfast starting at
8:30 a.m. before the program starts at 9:00 a.m. The program will end with a simple lunch at noon.
Program cost is $25 per person, including all meals and program materials. Sign up in the Friendly Office by March 10. All FPCD members and guests are
welcome to attend.